I have 2, one up to 74 and a later one that shows some F models and has "The Hopup Section"
But I have noticed differences (some of has to do with Questions on here)
The early one has a chapter on Frames.
It includes an oil routing chart, a drawing of oil tank(explains where lines go), and some info and drawings on the pipes (HM 300 I think)
And a frame drawing including measurements.
Most of that is missing in the later one, but other stuff is added like F master cyl and brake, exhaust.. both drawings and info. on page 82 it shows a drastically lightened alternator rotor..plus another shot of one in hop-up.
I know there was a mistake in K2 wiring diagram, i think in the early one... cost me a lot of time, a melted set of ANDREW coils, and a melted stock set . You may want to note this if you have that one, a problem with I think the green wire to regulator, never stops charging
Just brought it up as one manual does not cover it all..