I made this list for another thread about cleaning carbs, maybe it will be of some help:There are small differences between each type of bike, but here's a quick rundown of how I work on my carbs. (750K1)
Shut off petcock, un-hook fuel lines and remove the tank.
Disconnect the throttle cables at the carb end.
Drain the fuel from the float bowls.
Remove bottom half of airbox and filter, and loosen the hose clamps that connect the airbox to the carb intakes.
Pull the airbox off the carbs and remove it.
Loosen the hose clamps that connect the carbs to the engine intake.
Pull back on the carbs, alternating from left to right side to slowly rock them out of the rubber hoses (this should take a decent amount of effort)
Put the carbs on the work bench and remove the float bowls (some have screws, some have clips).
Tap out the hinge-pin (small screwdriver or center-punch) that holds the float in place and remove the floats and float valves.
Remove main jet and emulsion tube that sits above main jet and up inside the carb surrounding the jet needle.
Remove idle/slow jet.
Remove any o-rings and soak all jets in parts cleaner.
Spray carb cleaner in any hole you can find in the carbs and let it soak.
Spray compressed air through any hole you can find and through all the jets.
Make sure every single hole in the jets is clear.
Repeat the last four steps, and again.
Put everything back together and adjust float level as per the manual (you do have a manual, don't you?).
Carb installation is the reverse of removal. You can heat up the rubber parts with a hair dryer to make installation a little easier.
Also, read through Old Man Honda's page on carb work. Very detailed and shows you what the individual parts look like.