ok - here's the background: '75 CB750F. finished my resto/cafe job, but it's only running on cylinders 1 and 4. new dyna coils, wires, and plugs. when i saw that only 1 and 4 were firing, then i switched the plug wire order, so the coil to 1 and 4 went to 2 and 3, and vis-versa. that made 2 and 3 fire, but not 1 and 4. i assumed the coil was bad, so i sent it to dyna, who tested it and said it's functioning normally.
just for kicks, i checked the points , and it seems like the spark to the 2 and 3 point spark is more inconsistent than the 1 and 3, but i can't be sure. i pulled cylinder 2 plug and ran the bike, grounding it to the engine - no spark. an odd thing when i hit the kill switch, though - one spark before the motor died. the funny thing is, the one spark would only happenwhen i pushed the kill switch to the up 'off' position. when i hit the kill switch down to the other 'off' position, no single spark before it died.
my question is, where do i start? is there something going on with the switch? i wouldn't think so, because 1 and 4 are running fine. it's been suggested that my stator is bad, but i have no idea about that - if it was bad, would power get to one coil and not the other?
thanks for any help or advice....