The points will show some arcing. That is normal. The condensers reduce this arcing but do not eliminate it. Are your coils stock? When the coils fire, they generate high voltage at the primary, too. The condenser eases the voltage peaks seen across the points. Open condensers will make the arcing worse. Resistive/leaky condensers will make the arcing less pronounced and also make the spark voltage at the plugs weaker.
If it runs rich as you say, the plugs will build up carbon and shunt the spark energy away, instead of jumping the gap. New plugs will solve this temporarily, while you get the over-rich problem sorted.
Getting shocked from the wires could be many things, including dirt on the leads and wires. Electricity takes the path of least resistance. With the lead end in open air, it will find a return path the best it can. If that is dirt and your body parts, so be it. You can clean the outer surfaces with alcohol, which should lessen the problem. Other wise, use insulating gloves while handling.
Remember, two plugs fire at the same time, and current flows from one plug to the other during the event. The cylinder head is also in this current path, if you insert yourself in that path, you will become a conductor in the current path.