On a chopper mag now on the stands, look (on the lower part of cover)for a little b&w pic of a guy holding a chopper in the air!!.. It may be Iron Works?
Anyway, its a cool bike and they pop up now and then. The gist of it is, take a HD 45 and mod it with a 900 Sporty top end, a bit of machining involved, not real easy. But what a cool little screamer

. I have seen 1 or 2 in real life.
Anyway the guy holding up the WHOLE BIKE at chest height is Randy Smith.. founder of Custom Cycle Engineering, which is still going but Randy is no longer with us...

The pic however was at one time offered on a Tshirt by his daughter, I got one on ebay quite a few years back.
I will see if I can dig up more info, cool bikes those were..