So, am I to understand that Moto Guzzi, a smaller company with less brand recognition in North America, has
less of those expensive hoops to jump through? I realize sometimes smaller companies are the braver and more dynamic ones but I have difficulty believing their market research has resulted in such radically different information than Honda and I doubt they are so bold as to take such a stupid chance- in this lousy economy of all times.
It isn't as simple as research data anyway; results rarely are so black and white as to not be subject to interpretation. If anyone thinks that it more or less comes down to an objective decision made by the cool headedness of upper management they would be off more than just a little. Many major decisions in brand direction are made by middle management (morons) and by people with a 'vision' and personal bias's ruling their heads.
Please look at history, it's ripe with examples. Why is the common consensus regarding the big three that it is primarily they who caused the mess they're in now but when it concerns this topic about the motorcycle industry we have so much faith that they know what the heck they're doing? Honda (cars) was doing just fine with the Civic CRX but dropped it for crying out loud in favor of that turd the Del Sol! Subaru was insistent for about a decade the turbo Imprezza would flop in the US. Wrong! Much of what a large company runs on is momentum; it is shocking how many completely inept people have major deciding power. Plus, I've not heard any solid information suggesting that with the same vigorous advertising 'standards' couldn't also sell well.
I'm not dismissing earlier points made, they're all quite valid, but there's more going on in the process and IMO it's a significant component. Yes I blame the public too... which more so than ever have acted as lemmings and willful slaves to advertising. But that also reinforces my point that with the right marketed image you can sell farts in a can.
But it'll be interesting if we see a similar fate befall the cruiser niche as did the SUV- obviously for different reasons. It's hardly ever a good idea to put your eggs all in one basket.
BTW wouldn't it be cool if they offered not only the 1100f but smaller cc versions too? I see what other countries get and envy them.