(there goes the $400 budget)
this was just a figure he threw out. Maybe you missed that or maybe he needs to use smaller words. (remember that one)
I remember it fine. He still put it out there and it was one of your earlier comments that It was possible for the figure he quoted.
I had no interest then to do it because it is an unsafe idea overall (oh and it looks stupid).
this is just YOUR opinion. Maybe your workmanship may not have made it safe but you do not know what his workmanship is like.
Fine, my opinion and not physics says that the rim bottoms out before the suspension. You know since my opinion magically makes two physical objects come in contact with one another.
So now you have a really heavy bike on a really narrow contact patch that frictionally will not be able to support the lateral load of taking any kind of turn at speed.
that may be true but you are not sure of his riding style OR his bikes actual weight. While it may not be a feather, it also may not be much more than a 500 in weight.
500lbs bike on a 80 or 90mm tire? seriously? you don't thnk that even a 400 lbs bike on a 90mm tire is heavy? look at the bikes that run 80-90mm rear tires and their weight - there isn't a one of them over 300lbs and that includes the rider. those tires are not even rated to carry 500 total load.
but to make the whole thing taller will bring any handling problems (speed wobbles maybe) right to the front.
you have no proof of this. It could if not done right but again you are assuming.
You are right, the collective motorcycle engineers of the world spend all their time devloping this technology and the companies spend millions on R&D because and don;t to this to any of their bikes because I fial to waste my time educating you on the last 100 years of motorcycle devlopment. Read a book once in a while - you know the things without centerfolds. Changing the tire tread on cb750s changing their handeling characteristics, you don't think jacking the thing up a collective 3.5 inches (1.5 for the rim and 2 for the 15" shocks) and racking if forward is going to negatively effect the handling? I can tell you from my own personal racing expirence that raking the bike along a little as 1/2 an inch makes a huge difference in the way a bike handles. I can tell you that raising the center of gravity in a cb750 does make it more unstable, but you don;t have to take my word for it, just watch motorcyle racing once in awhile, you don't see an moto gp guys sitting up as tall as possible while racing.
Motorcycle rims are not like car rims.
WOW I did not know that. Is that why they are curved and not flat? 
Motorcycle tires are curved and not flat. Motorcycle rims are not like car rims either, desipte a similar look, since the size of the rim affects a motorcycle's handling on different axis than that of a car. With cars you can increase the size of the rim and not the size of the overall package (ie make the sidewall smaller) and it generally has a positive effect on handling. With a motorcycle you can increase rim size without increasing overall package size and it has a different effect on handling (because of the shape of the tire).
We have wasted 7 pages on this nonsense already, the dare has been laid out - you want to do it so hard then do it already - at least babyfood's first post was a pic of his actual project in progress.
And yet here you are. You have clearly made your opinion know so why not go away now? Also he is ASKING opinions and ideas. Does a person have to start a project BEFORE he asks for ideas? You have said your opinion. You have no ideas. What more are you here for?
Do you work for the TSA? You sure like to throw your opinions around like it is fact. So again, you have voiced your opinion, quite rudely too as is your way, so what is left for you here? I mean if there is something legitimate, fine, but I see you offering nothing at this time.
I do not care if you want to make fun of my bike. It is not yours and therefore your opinion of it means nothing.
really I must ask this. Are you and ed brothers or related?
You have made no friends with me here. As far as replacing the broken windo in my glass house it is on my list of things to do after I finish my Land speed turbo cb450 and run at bonneville. I would post it here but this is kinda the wrong forum for it. But I am sure you know how to use the search function here so you can find pics of my other bikes. you'll be disappointed as none of them have 21" in rims or spinners or bling or what have you, I measure and use real motorcycle chassis principles. I tell you what I'll save the search function, I am building this and have been doing it off again and on again for 5 years (most of that has been reading lots of engineering journals, books, and other publications on motorcycle chassis design).it is the first h1 500 chassis to use the FZR400 swingarm conversion, it is the first to use the fzr600 front end (and I didn't see a lot of guys doing stem swaps on triple clamps before I started posting about it in 2002):

ok your turn. I may be ineliquent when it comes to posting, but at least I don't take the aproach of "let's slap it together and see if it kills me" to bike building.