you know what I hate? stupid f'ing drivers in the snow...
sure it is more dangerous in the snow. I know that. heck EVERYONE knows that. but seriously?? 15 in a 3 lane 65??? get real.
now I ride as much as possible. but this morning it was a blistering 15 degrees out with no ice no rain no snow no nothing. only dried salt and the occasional salted puddle.
do you really need to slow down to 15 if the road is a little wet? and take turns that last for a god awful week? really?
I mean... I'm on a motorcycle for god's sake. Don't you think I'd be going about as slow as possible to stay upright? Moron....
What's the matter? never seen snow before? it only happens here EVERY FRICKIN YEAR!!!! learn to drive you idiot. the left lane is for PASSING!!! not taking your sweet a$$ time looking for your turn off 5 miles ahead.
I hope everyone on the road dies as I go by. (that's what I want for x-mas next year)
That better billy???