The Briggs numbers
28Q777 0672A1 9602294A
I should note the battery is K0 (but not sandcast) so for those who feel they must go on tangents, go crazy.
Other than that there is nothing K0 here. ( well maybe the oil but I'm not sure)
"this is in reference to a K0 engine thread that has gone viral recently"
The spark plug is ^&*(( now, I think that might have something to do with running with the choke half on, and some 2 stroke oil.
I am getting that a little 2 stroke oil is not a big deal. Which was my question.
The air filter has got a couple years on it. But the engine runs the same whether it's on or off
The fuel filter and all the lines have been swapped, no difference.
My chain saw gets used once or twice a year and allways starts fine. But when we use the boat, the lake is in the middle of no where. I don't take unnecessary chances cuse I don't like paddling.
Sorry no video my poloroid camera cannot do that.
Besides this kart is really slow, build for a very young kid.