My dad was a true 50's hot rodder, racer and I grew up around street rods and show cars. Rod runs, auto shows and the like, then dad got hooked up with the World of Wheels car shows and began working for them. I got in during move in & out, this was before there were mega bucks trailer queens, people drove in and out to set up. Motorcycles always appealed to me, but at shows it was choppers I got to see.
Also my cousins had dirt bikes and back in the mid 70's you could ride in just about any field or empty lot. That got me into actually riding them also crashed the first time I ever rode, it was a little Honda Z50 and I went through a fence. I didn't get hurt but my parents, aunt and uncle had gone to dinner and made it very clear before they left that I was not to ride by myself, it was classic.
I had a '72 Yamaha Enduro and a Virago 500 (the year escapes me), however I was into cars. But building a car soon blasted way out of my price range and I started getting interested in street bikes again.
I started seeing stretched out, fat tyred choppers around and wasn't too impressed. Then I caught an episode of "Biker Build Off" and it was the first one Indian Larry was on and I was blown away, the guy built amazing bikes and rode the #$%* out of them. Everything about him was what I had been looking for, build it to ride it, build it yourself, ask for help if you need it, and help others if they need it. Larry's mantra was everything I believed and thought had been lost in the megabucks world of super choppers and motorcycles.
I was electrified and dove in head first and I have since found many people who think the same way. I also found this place and everyone here that I have chatted with has been great.
So now that the book is done, to answer the question, it started with my cousins and the people I met at shows and their bikes back in the 70's, and was reborn a few years ago by the one and only Indian Larry. Bikes to me are like women, I don't care where they come from or who built them, if they are hot then I'm getting excited!