hi guys!i'm kinda new here,so pardon me for no introductions wutsoever

i know this topic been long dead but as i've just completed a short course on manifold tuning,i couldt help but give my 0.02 cents
mind u i'm not that great a student but this is what i've gathered from the course
velocity stacks basically works like a funnel,the same way how you would pinch the end of your gardening hose to make the water shoot out faster,it accelerates the air from the inlet and increase the pressure at the outlet. it called the venturi effect
all carbs works on the venturi effect.it needs the acceleration to determine how much fuel it needs to release to the intake.if air was constant flow or no air moving, the pressure at the float and pressure at the jet nozzle would be the same and no fuel will b released from the carbs.so basically all carbs has built in velocity stacks
by adding the velocity stacks you increase the pressure even more at the inlet of the carbs so that you have more air coming in,and when theres more air you need more fuel.this is where the jets come in.your jets are like injectors,they control how much fuel is released,for example if you are using 30cc injectors they would only release 30cc every time,i'm not sure exactly how much a 120 jet releases coz i slept during the carb tuning class but main line is the bigger the jet the more fuel is released.too small the jet and the airfuel mix would run lean and the engine would overheat,too big the jet you would waste a lot of fuel and ruin the environment with alot of unburnt gases.but it does have an upside the fuel actually helps cooldown the engine.so to heck with the green house gases and those bloody tree huggers.if your running with more air find the biggest jets you can fit....and tell them WE WANT MORE POWER!!!bwahahahahhaha
now for the pulse wave effect it has to do alot more with sound waves than anything else.lets take a look at what happens in the engine a little bit more closely.when the intake valves open air is moving from the velocity stacks to the carbs to the runners through the intake ports the suddenly the valves close all the air flowing hit the valve face,some would come too a halt some would even bounce backwards,what ever it is the congestion would create a positive pressure and this positive pressure has no where to travel but back through the ports to the runner to the carbs to the velocity stacks but wait as this positive pressure travels the valve opens again now a negative pressure(aka vacuum) is produced at the at the valves and this negative pressure also travels through the ports to the runners to the carbs to the velocity stacks.and thus a pulse wave is formed.this positive and negative pressure going backwards is similar to a sound wave of high and low amplitudes you see in those oscilloscopes.
so whats up with with this waves man...is it good?is it bad?now bear with me a little on this,we're gonna do a small science experiment...everybody pick up a piece of metal pipe layin'round your workshop hold it right in the middle n give it a nice knock on sumthing solid.not too hard boys you'll dent your pipes.do you hear it?the sound man.its traveling from one end to the other.its the resonance effect(eat that bill nye the science guy lol).you see the vibrations in the pipe is resonating in the pipe shaking the air molecules n making a sound that travels back and forth.every object has a resonating factor even air molecule.and the air pulse waves created by the opening and closing of the valves also resonates back and forth within the total intake tract
the thing is you want to time the resonance effect so that when the waves hit back at the valves at exactly during the time when the valves open.engine displacement is fixed,when i say fixed i mean the stroke and bore of the engine is determined by the piston conrods and crank,but air is compressible.if u manage to get the resonance wave to reach the valves at exactly wen it opens and not a milisec late,you'll manage to put more airfuel mix into the combustion chamber.more air more fuel = MORE POWER!!!it does require some maths n again i slept during that part but i do remember all we were calculating was how long the intake tract should be.the main deciding factor was the length of the total intake tract from the valve seat to the port to the manifold gasket to the runners to the carbs n the end of the velocity stacks.and it doesn't have to be as long as my exhaust and point towards the sky.the resonance bounces back and forth right?so i don't need to make a super long v.stack that reaches the valve at the first interval,i can make a shorter one that bounces ...ummm lets say 4 times n reaches the valve at the same exact time as the long one.
extra note here,its also a good idea if you know which rpm range you want to tune your vehicle.for example a dragster would want peak torque at the low range and peak hp at high rpm while a tracker would be opposite high power at low range and peak torque at high rpm with all those corners and stuff.since engine revs also determine the opening and closing of the valves it would also determine the pulse wave produced and thus you would tune/design the manifold to the target rpm.but since i'm such a bad/lazy student.i go by the old adage "if it ain't broke don't fix it".i mean c'mon the bike was already design to work perfectly at all conditions.who am i to challenge the thousands of dedicated engineers hired to design the bike.so for my cb500 im just gonna measure the length from the carbs to the airbox coz im sure those dedicated engineers already had a target rpm in mind n did their homework.once measured make the v.stack n install bigger jets.theres gonna b a significant increase i can bet you ................on stock
the thing is the engine is like your bowel system and if anybody tells you its a breathing machine like your lungs inhaling and exhaling,you put their head between your crotch and giv'em the ol' triple H pedigree ahaha.exhaust is just as important as intake.you cant just keep on eating without pooping thats called constipation,and you cant just poop without eating thats diarrhea...it works with the same resonance principle as the intakes and if you timed it right you get the scavenging effect,where exhaust gas actually pulls the airfuel mix as it exits the chamber....pulling even more airfuel mix creating,you guessed it man,even MORE POWER!!thats why forced induction are for pussys n a N/A will beat the crap out of them everytime.you don't need no exhaust driven turbos or belt driven superchargers.a healthy fit tuned racer will always beat sumone running on those lifesupport bypass machines heheh...
again applying the old adage im gonna use the stock as a template n make two 2 to 1 exhaust,ive got a feeling it compliment the v.stacks...if not i'll just blame those dedicated engineers at honda lol
anyways,i hope you all dont take offence wit my dry sense of humour...i can be quite the dork,cheers!!