Look at the % of the population in jail/prison/ on probation in the US as opposed to the rest of the world.
Last I checked, we have a larger % of our population in jail/prison than any other 1st world country on earth.
It's all a business to them.
The inmates are their service, and the taxpayers their paying customers.
The more the inmates, the more employees/buildings/etc. needed, therefore the higher $$ bill to the taxpayers.
So the tighter the laws, and the more of them, the more inmates.
I think a good chunk of inmates could do better with counseling, community service, and probation than prison/jail. At least they could live at home, and HAVE a JOB to help pay the bill for their re-habilitation.
I'm not paranoid, they watch anything they can.
I'm quite sure a few things I have said on the 'net would have raised a few flags to say the least.