Today was a magnificent day for a ride, so I did my 30th 100(+) miler, on my K0. I filled up at the 104 mile mark, and noticed that my fuel economy has dropped from 63 MPG on my last ride to 46 today, but to be fair, on my last ride cops were everywhere, whereas today I only saw one Highway patrol unit, so I was beating the old K0 like a red-headed step child.
This bike just loves to rev, moreso than my K2 with the Wiseco 836cc kit and mild Andrews cam. Another trouble free 135 mile ride on the ol' red beast, and the more miles it does, the better it goes, I'm starting to think that this is the best engine of any CB750 I've owned over the last 43 years, including the one I bought new. I think it's gonna be a keeper.

K0 Sunday 28 Nov 2021 c by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr