Thanks dave, no haven't tried to carry my drumkit on the bike but dad has worked out how to carry a banjo on the back of his!
I play bass in a 60's covers band but can't figure out how to put both the bass head + speaker and the bass guitar on the back of the bike together!
The 550F is running great now - I swapped the aftermarket 38 pilots for genuine honda #38's, swapped the 100 main jets for genuine honda #98's, changed the needle clip positions to #2.5(same #2 needle clip pos but with tuning shims added to go half a step richer) and swapped the aftermarket 1.2mm idle air screws for genuine honda 0.8mm items. I know you're meant to only change one thing at a time, and I know you are supposed to vac sync etc, etc, etc, but geeze call it blind luck if ya like but I suddenly have a bike that idles smooth and runs great - it pulls like a train unless you suddenly crack it wide open from low revs where it briefly hesitates - I can't wait to revisit my other carb problem (cb500 4 into 1) and although I value most ppls opinions I will not ask carby questions on here ever again! Ranting over.

oops had a mood swing mid sentence - actually ppl like TT and dave500 were very helpful re my carb probs!