Hi Eric,
Yes, Planet Blue Metallic was a stock color here on K2 that we had 72-75, no K3-K5 here. The later K2s had the later engines. Look of the head will show and serial number.
The bike in the middle is a recenty restored 1972 K2 to pure stock with 341 pipes. Rechromed stock rims and fenders, no aftermarket DID rims.
The oval mark with DID beside the air nipple. That bike's engine the most silent running CB750 I have ever heard, almost no chain/clutch rattle at all.
See photos below taken 1 year ago when just restored. It has the mandatory mud flap needed to pass annual vehicle inspection back in the days.
I missed another CB750 I saw enter the meet, parked around the corner, think it was gold.
Bikes were parked around the entire house, a former power plant, now rented by a bike club. A really fresh stock Z1 900 was there too.