The last road pics are from a very narrow road where I stopped for photos only for the nice views. A shortcut between usual 70-80kmh roads.
Most of the other roads have 80kmh as limit. No problem to cruise around in 80-100.
No cops at all but other people on the roads. I met 3 women driving cars on wrong side of the road since they saw people beside the road on their side just when meating me on my bike. I saw them in time so I could slow down and avoid being smashed by an idiot driving on wrong side of the road due to wrong decision.
Female drivers are not on my hit list, maybe if I should own a heavy truck like a Peterbilt with licence, no need to brake for crazy drivers.

100kmh roads usually boring for a ride unless it is a quick transport to an area with nicer roads.
The food I ate was a Kebab in bread. They made the bread in their pizza oven, same kind of dough. Sliced onions, sallad, a few tomato slices, kebab meat slices and hot read sauce and mild white sauce. Mild pepperonis on top.
Almost like this but bigger and more stuff into it.
The hot sauce can be tomato sauce/crushed tomatoes with Tunisian chili paste called Harissa sold in cans, mmmm!!. A teaspoon or tablespoon depending on needs of heat and good taste.
White sauce work fine with sour cream.
The meat is minced meat mix with spices, pressed to a big round cylindrical form. It sit on a rotating grill, flame it while rotating. The meat is cut in thin slice stripes when it is grilled and become thinner and thinner. The big cylindershaped minced meat mix can be around 5-10kg. I have seen same type of rotsting grill in Greece with a stack of meat slices doing pita gyros. (Pita is the bread, gyros the meat)
This is one of the good Middle East influences plus North Africa for the Harissa.

This type of food is well worth an international chain as McDonalds, BK, KFC and similar bike stop food!