The long cold dark winter makes the first rides in spring fantastic!
Sone years we get a few spring days in kate March- early April. Snow have returned 1 week in April the last years with 2 weeks off. Last years snow in the 2nd half of April.
Very annoying to then read about "Gobal warming" when I see the opposite. My biking interest make me to remember springs 45 years back.
My first 11 years with my K6, 1979-1990, the insurance was very expensive and income taxes here very high on a low salary so riding season was short anyway.
My jobs matched that very well with overtime to help with money for living a life. Bike, bars, discos, girls/women, drinks and summer vacation going south where the sun was and still is.
I had no garage in house as I have now. Ok with months fixing things.
2 rideable bikes ensure a ride even when fixing the other.
Insurance now very low for full insurance all year and income taxes lowered too so riding all year around should not be a problem if weather/ climate is on my side.
The joy of first spring rides need still months of not riding for that special feeling.
3 months off should be enough, though. Not 5-6 months.
Or living in a country without winter, 2-3 months off due to the heat