Author Topic: New member in middle Tennessee  (Read 465 times)

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New member in middle Tennessee
« on: January 13, 2009, 10:09:32 PM »
Hello all My name is James and I have recently acquired a 1978 Honda CB750. I sold my 2007 Harley Davidson Street Bob and located a slightly used 78 Honda 750. I own and operate a motorcycle parts and apparel store in Erin TN. After owning and riding motorcycles from all over the world I was finally able to buy and ride a Harley. I opened my motorcycle store and I have had a lot of customers coming in thinking I only catered to the Harley riders. I sold my Harley and was given the Honda for hauling it away. I want to prove that a bike does not have to cost $20,000 to be "cool" or fun. I am in the process of building a low buck old school style bobber. My goal is to encourage wanna be motorcycle riders and owners to get a bike any bike and start customizing. Motorcycling shouldn't be about who has the biggest wallet. Don't get me wrong I love Harley's and the sound of an American V Twin, what I dont like is the elitist, we are better than you attitude of a lot of Harley riders. I look forward to building my bike and riding it along side my Harley riding friends and smiling (knowing I got an extra 10 or 12 grand to spend on gas). I look forward to getting advice and help from more experienced Honda owners. As I learn more and experience the rebirth of my bike I will be glad to share any info to all who may need it.

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Re: New member in middle Tennessee
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2009, 06:56:53 AM »
Welcome from western NC! I fianally bought a Harley 4 years ago just because I had never owned one. Still have the Honda for the twisty bits though!