Author Topic: i don't suppose anyones got a trashed dt250 laying around? need a headlight ring  (Read 1042 times)

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Offline shoemanII

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just picked up a couple of winter projects;
a '71dt250 and a '72dt250.  both have potential and are complete. 

just removed/cleaned the magneto and ignition switch, and cleaned up the ignition wiring circuit on the '72 and now have a nice blue spark.  gonna dive into the carb next.  6240miles.  solid, dent-free tins, good chrome but terribly greasy everywhere.  should polish up well, but need a headlight ring.  ebay prices are crazy, so thought i'd try here.  thanks,

'96 ducati carb'd 900ss/cr 
'72 dt2
'77cb550k frankenberry:  '77cb550k frame, '78cb550k engine, '78cb550f tank, unknown front-end

Offline bill440cars

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       Can't help there, but I DO have a 78' DT250E. Don't remember if it's EVEN got a headlight, but I know there's a lot of difference from back then til the 78' though. Got a 75' DT400, but don't think it's got a headlight either. Wish I could help, have you tried the old ebay?  Now there IS a place you could join up at and might be able to find that AND no telling what else.


        Hope that helps. :)
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Offline shoemanII

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hey, thanks very much.  i checked and it seems the rings for '71 and '72 250's and 350's are the same, but they change after that.  i will check site you mentioned,
'96 ducati carb'd 900ss/cr 
'72 dt2
'77cb550k frankenberry:  '77cb550k frame, '78cb550k engine, '78cb550f tank, unknown front-end