Author Topic: 76 CB750f top end o rings(help needed)  (Read 3938 times)

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Re: 76 CB750f top end o rings(help needed)
« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2009, 12:50:13 AM »
Is it possible I have  K model jugs?

Yep, your cyl doesn't have the cutouts for the return oil seals (#3 in your pic).

As for those other o-rings, you should measure them and compare to parts fiche. Did you get a list with your gasket kit? Did you get a complete kit or a top end kit? Looks like you might have stuff for the bottom end too.

Can anybody identify all these orings?
Just guessin' now - dont take this to the bank. Check the measurements to be sure.
#4 top end oil feed (2 studs at center rear of cyl).
#6 under cam towers
#7 big dowel between cases or neutral switch
#8 oil pump and hoses
#10 oil cap above points
#11 trans oil feed passage near shift linkage

I have the Athena complete gasket kit.  I figure I will have extras since i'm not splitting the cases.

What should I do about the cylinder...nothing was there in the 8 spots when I removed it...should I get some o rings or just leave them empty?

Offline Kevin D

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Re: 76 CB750f top end o rings(help needed)
« Reply #26 on: January 25, 2009, 05:38:07 AM »
What should I do about the cylinder...nothing was there in the 8 spots when I removed it...should I get some o rings or just leave them empty?

Depends on your head gasket........ I tried to get the parts from Honda that were numbered in that service bulletin, but it proved to be a dead part number. If it has small holes like the first pic then orings won't it.
 I got a HG with the bigger holes and fitted viton quad rings. One year, 3000 mi leaks. But I'm not totally comfortable with it as those knock pins are there for a reason... to keep the oring in place.
71 CB750 K1
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Re: 76 CB750f top end o rings(help needed)
« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2009, 08:42:41 AM »
Ok my head gasket has the bigger holes...

Do you know what size viton rings to use and where to get them?

Does you think this can cause any other problems?

Thanks Kevin!

Offline Kevin D

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Re: 76 CB750f top end o rings(help needed)
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2009, 01:58:26 PM »
-014 size, Small Parts Inc.

Do you think this can cause any other problems?
Worst case possibility - the oring gets squeezed into the hole it is supposed to seal and blocks the gravity return oil flow. Do I really think that will happen? - Not at all, or I wouldna done it.
 My experience level with this sort of thing is minimal, I was just trying to follow the service bulletin recommendations.

BTW, I cut my own 5/8" holes in my HG to accept the 014 ring. Whats the OD of those tube orings (#3 your pic)? Whats the OD of the hole in the Athena HG?
71 CB750 K1
104,000 miles
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70 SL100/125/150
70 Candy BlueGreen CB 750 K0
Former Honda parts kid/counter kid/do all
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Re: 76 CB750f top end o rings(help needed)
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2009, 07:16:57 PM »
I wont be back at my garage until next weekend but off the top of my head I would say the OD is roughly 1/2" on the seals and 5/8 on the HG

Im gonna go ahead and order some of those orings and roll with it.  I will keep you posted next weekend.

Seems to me the only thing running through there is the studs.  Maybe i;m wrong

Thanks again