sorry i haven't kept up on your situation.
She is awake again and was making her smirk. I'm going to get another smirk out of her tomorrow cause tonight I said I really wish there was something I could do and you could almost see her tear up while I was. So tomorrow I'm going to tell her there is something I can and going to ask her if she would like my brain. My older sis asked her today if she can her everything and she shook her head yes. and she asked her if she could see and she knodded no. I'm just sorry to see her not up stairs in a private area. and in the front room like on display. but we wont get into that. She took about 7 good sucks of water from those spounge things. Then she so happy she smiles only in her way she can with all teeth showing it is so cherishable.
She knows when I'm there taking care of her.
Paul, that is just Awesome that your Sis can acknowledge the presence and appreciation in that way. It is Truly Awesome!
When my Mom was in the hospital with cancer (and was still pretty alert and all) I must have shown my feelings with my facial expression because she looked at me and said, " Don't look so serious, it's alright." She knew that she was dying and yet could be so calm and reassuring. It was only a day or 2 later that she went into a coma. I'll never forget those words, as they were the last ones I got from her. Of course, I knew that
She was going to a better place (it was
ME that was so distraught. Being only human)
Paul, sounds like your Sister is "Something Else" and I know that she is Proud of You!