OK let me see if I can be more specific because often I'm not clear and leave chunks out.
1. My engine is running fine and then starts to run out of gas. At this point I verify the float bowls are now empty, the fuel line is empty and the engine dies from no fuel. At this point no fuel will flow in the line.
2. I have the fuel line running along the outside of my carbs with an inline filter so I can see the fuel flow and easily access either the tank side or carb side fuel tubing.
3. If I pull the tank side tubing off the filter, the fuel flows from the tank into a waste container.
4. If I reconnect that line to the filter, no fuel will flow. It's jammed up.
5. If I turn off the gas at the tank and pull the carb side tubing from the inline filter and blow compressed air into it and into the carbs, I hear the pop from one of the bowls.
6. If I then connect the carb side tubing to the inline filter and turn the fuel back on from the tank, the fuel flows normally and the engine is happy again - for a while.
Now the picture of the petcock in this post is exactly like mine. I have taken it out and cleaned it. What is that stuff, cheesecloth?
When I said the fuel flows normally, I meant until the point where something prevents further fuel flow, like a float valve, air in line, or something. From that point no fuel flows until I do the compressor thing. But like I said, disconnecting the line from the inline filter that comes from the tank and fuel flows out. Putting it back on the filter and it does not - until I pop it.