Author Topic: 25 random things  (Read 1439 times)

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Offline Spikeybike

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25 random things
« on: January 26, 2009, 01:03:26 PM »
i got this off Facebook , when all was said and done it really put me in a good mood ,   

no rules on topics, only that the 25 things have to be facts about you.  so here is mine

1. im intimidated pretty early in this list, about thinking of 25 things
2. sometimes i lay in bed and stare at the ceiling and wonder what went wrong
3. i have the worst hygiene sometimes
4. i am ashamed of my poor math skills
5. i hated my childhood, i wouldn't repeat it for a million trillion zillion dollars
6. Ryden will never say #5
7. deep down i don't want the Phoenix to be finished
8. i often forget that the internet is full of "real" people
9. i love pepper jack cheese
10. i find it hard to stay sober lately
11. overall life is good
12. i wish i could run more then 50ft without getting winded
13. i find that i either dwell on things too long , or totally put them out of my mind
14. i just might have an unhealthy addiction to working on my bike
15. i had a dream that my dad died, and i punched his dead body in the face (whoa, freaky i know)
16. my kid is so awesome
17  i turned 30 and lost my god damn mind ;D
18. i only have just over half my teeth left
19. most of the things i really hate, i would miss if they were gone
20. there is no better feeling then screaming past a soccer mom in a minivan at 100mph on a bike
21. risking my life makes me feel alive
22. as an adult , i'm not as much fun as used to be feet really stink
24. i really really NEED a new tattoo, the pain is cleansing
25. i am not as gloomy as this list would make you think  ;D
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 03:38:44 PM by spikeybike »

Offline firecracker

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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2009, 01:22:49 PM »
25 random facts about me.

1   Born on the 4th of July
2   Eagle Scout
3   Used to do birthday parties as a magic clown (good money for a 15 year old)
4   Can make dentures
5   Once got a mohawk for the hell of it, then shaved it off 3 days later.
6   Hate people
7   believe I know more than anyone else
8   Have been a paid actor in commercials
9   own my own business
10 ran a marathon
11 have a brother
12 hate people, oops I said that already.
13 want to live on acreage (why?  see #'s 6 & 12)
14 am tired of this already
15 love hallucinogens
16 wish pot was legal
17 went to a Grateful Dead show without tickets - didn't care  ;D
18 win stuff all the time (laptop computer, leather jacket, etc.)
19 expect to win the lottery some day
20 was alive for Man Walking on the Moon
21 remember where I was when Reagan was shot
22 just read Spikey's list.  It's gonna be easier now...
23 have two kids - one boy, one girl
24 have been married 13 years
25 had a great childhood (the stuff I haven't blocked out!)
26 have to make up something because of the #12 repeat...  Hmm, oh, I know.  I've spent more than 19 days of my life on this forum.  While at work.  Because I can.  Life is good.    ;D
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Offline nickjtc

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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2009, 02:00:28 PM »
Good idea for whiling away the time when your next drving exam appointment doesn't show up!!

1. Born on June 11 1955, the day that a Mercedes race car plowed into the crowd at Le Mans during the 24 hour race, killing 80 people
2. Spent 32 years in the optical industry before switching to being a driver examiner
3. Ten years as a motorcycle riding instructor
4. One sister
5. Two ex-wives
6. Two granddaughters
7. Four nieces
8. Used to do marathons/ultramarathons. 24 hour pb: 85+ miles
9. Have lived in England, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia
10. Hate crustacea (too close to the cockroach family for my liking!)
11. Love fish and chips
12. Favourite fruit: blueberries
13. Owned motorcycles from 50cc up to 1100cc. Favourites have always been the 'small' ones
14. Most profound event in my life: being with my dad when he passed away
15. Happiest events in my life: being present at the birth of my two sons
16. Enjoy 'hard' sci-fi and thrillers
17. Am about to undergo a pulmonary artery ablation
18. Love beer, of all types
19. I've ridden 3 'Iron Butt' qualifier rides: 1000, 1500, 2000 miles
20. Motorcycling goals: to get the entire stable on the road
21. I actually believe that your school days are 'the happiest days of your life'. Mine were.
22. Four motorcycle accidents. Lived to tell the tale.
23. Never cease to be amazed at how poorly people drive/ride
24. Drove to Calagary (600km each way) this weekend, just for the fun of it.
25. Although I've made many mistakes in life I have no regrets and would not change a thing.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 02:06:56 PM by nickjtc »
Nick J. Member #3247

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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2009, 03:25:13 PM »
1. Born in June XX, 1948, the day nothing else important happened.
2. Spent 1096 days, 8 hours, and 23 minutes in the army.  Loved every minute of it.  NOT!!!
3. Got a Cushman scooter in March 1962.  Still have the scars.
4. One older sister and four older brothers (who taught me at an early age NOT to "Hold this wire for me"). ;D
5. Three ex-wives.  Now you know who "won" that survey last year. :-[
6. Five children.  (Three of them have the "M" endorsement on their drivers license.)
7. Eight grandchildren.    (Two of them have the "M" endorsement on their drivers license.)
8. Had many different jobs in my life.  Trained Killer, ;) Welder, Mechanic, Parts Man, Salesman, Computer Analyst, Telecommunications Engineer.  Hey, at least they kept getting better.
9. Have lived mostly in Oklahoma
10. I lived on a sailboat in Florida for about a year.
11. Favorite food:  Hamburgers.
12. Favorite fruit: blueberries and pears.
13. Owned motorcycles from 98cc up to 1050cc. I never met a motorcycle I didn't like.
14. Most profound event in my life: Having a 26 year-old daughter die 4 years ago.  I aged 10 years in one month.
15. Happiest moment in my life:  When it occurred to me that the people I used to work with were having their regular Monday morning meeting and I was zipping across a sparkling bay in an inflatable dinghy as a new retiree. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
16. Movies I like leave me happier than I was before I watched them.
17. 13 years ago I went to Nicaragua on a humanitarian mission.
18. Sometimes I like working on motorcycles more than riding them.
19. I've ridden 1069 miles in 24 hours on a Honda CL350.
20. Motorcycling goals: to get the herd thinned by 50% before May.
21. Grade school summers were the happiest times of my life.
22. One significant motorcycle accident.  I still occasionally like to wheelie.  I must be a slow learner. ;)
23. I am not a big fan of SUV driving, cell-phone talking, soccer moms.
24. I'm not looking forward to this summer.  I'm afraid it is going to be really ugly.  Thanks a lot bankers/politicians. >:(
25. I do not wish to be younger than I am. 

Offline my78k

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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2009, 04:54:19 PM »
1- Not sure I am comfortable with sharing at the same level of some of my peers
2- I am proud/envious of Spikey for having the ability to not only share but inspire
3- 25...well we'll see!


Offline my78k

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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2009, 07:21:47 PM »
Ok I am back to finish my post....

3 - apparently it takes me 3 Rye and cokes to feel comfortable sharing with strangers
4 - Born Feb 1975
5 - Married 10 years now to my highschool sweet heart
6 - I have 2 great girls (9 and 6)
7 - I worry too much about my older brother and his lifestyle
8 - I am going to become an uncle again (4th time now!) in May (my sister's first!!)
9 - I am scared %^*$less about my job and my ability to provide for my family
10 - I DJ weddings on the side for extra money
11 - I used to be a lifeguard and swim competitively
12 - I miss swimming and being in shape
13 - the only reason I fear death is leaving my kids behind
14 - I wish I knew as much about motorcycles as some of the guys on here have forgotten
15 - All too often I can't sleep and have no idea why
16 - 2 of my Grandparents are still with us
17 - I am proud of my grandfather and his serivce (WWII POW) and never told him that
18 - favourite fruit....uhm apples?
19 - have never been off of this continent (North America  ;) )
20 - I have no idea what a pulomary artery ablation is (but am giving out good vibes for Nick!)
21 - Hate the fact that my buddy recently split form his wife and the ripple effect it has had with us and other friends
22 - Still hang out with several guys I met in Kindergarten!
23 - Am trying to figure out how to copy my dad's tattoo (his name written in his own hand writing) without seeming creepy or morbid
24 - Have seen every MASH episode dozens of times and can quote most of them and love the trivia
25 - Am lucky to have my family and am reminded of that every time I think of my wife and the fact that her only close family member is her sister who has done battle with a brain tumor (and likely always will).


Offline void909

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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2009, 07:36:55 PM »
1- I hate high fives and will never do it no matter what so dont try to get me to on accident
2- I own a shirt that says 750 four i tell people its a band if they ask
3- I can wreck a cellphone in 2.5 sec
4- Besides on the internet ive never heard a cb750 running
5- I love drugs but im addicted to tobacco
6- I could listen to Queens of the Stone Age all day
7- I love the smell of spraypaint oh and gasoline
8- I think my ex girlfriend was doing the right thing by dumping me
9- I don't think ill ever get married and im ok with that
10- I smoke way too many cigarettes
11- I hate organized religion
12- I wish I knew what the hell im suppose to do with myself
13- life is not good and hasn't been for a while
14- I enjoy reading two tired posts even when i dont understand everything he says
15- I write Haiku's
16- They suck
17- I feel best when I don't feel
18- I dont believe in Karma
19- I dont think everything happens for a reason
20- I am as gloomy as this list makes me seem
21- I like girls with short hair
22- At one point in my life i weighed 310 pounds
23- I sleep on the couch more than my bed
24- I enjoy building motorcycle more than riding them
25- I wish I wasnt broke
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Offline shacolaid

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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2009, 07:45:36 PM »
1. Born on 29 June 1969, same day as my father
2. My Nonna (Italian Grandmother) came to this country when she was 43 and learned english
3. Still have family in Italy
4. Grew up during the 70s when the Steelers became a dynasty
5. Big fan of automobile and motorcycle racing, NOT Nascar, but F1 and MotoGP
6. My first toy race car had a plastic driver I named Mario Andretti
7. I am intimidated by the amount of knowledge on this site and hope that I can finish my bike one day
8. 3 children all in grade school
9. One sister and one deceased brother
10. My brother was my best friend and was killed 10 years ago at the age of 24 in Ocean City, MD by some ***hole driver
11. I will never go to Ocean City, MD
12. I will continue riding a motorcycle because my brother and I took the MSF course eleven years ago together and bought our motorcycles together. It was the last thing we did together.
13. I am a much angrier person than I was 10 years ago.
14. Group of my friends started playing hockey when we were 8 years old and we are still playing today
15. I like Tequila
16. My first bike was a Suzuki GS500E (wish I still had it to race)
17. My second was my brother's Seca II
18. My work vehicle is an EC 145 helicopter
19. I am a transport nurse for our Hospital
20. Have held children as they are dying
21. Have saved children from dying
22. Still wish that my dad would have steered my toward racing than stick and ball sports.
23. Spent 3 months working in Palermo, Sicily
24. Relax in the winter with my guitar and in the summer I go for a ride
25. I turn 40 this year
2001 Triumph Speed Triple, 1976 CB 550


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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2009, 07:46:22 PM »
1. I have a habit of not finishing projects because I'm some what of a perfectionist, and can't do what I want with it.($)
2. I have such a messy desk/garage no one would believe #1
3. I hate watching TV
4. I like prospecting
5. It took me 1 year and six months to find 20 cents worth of gold
6. I dont listen to others opinions or advice unless they can prove to me they have mastered whatever it is the are advising on.
7. Somtimes I still dont listen to them.
8. Nothing irritates me more than people being irritating.
9. My wife likes to correct my spelling while I'm typing.
10. Our 6 kids were all planned.
11. I guess its time to fess up I'm actualy 30 not -555 September 1978
12. I have a 7 page driving record All speeding tickets
13. I am obsesed with winning
14. I am afraid of hights
15. I fell 25 feet and broke no bones, (reson for #14) when I was 20.
16. when I was 28 I fell 3 feet Shattered my wrist and dislocated my elbow.
17. I hate superstition
18. I worked at Value Village for 3 months in Oregon City when I was 16, I broke at least 2 mirrors a day. I took out the garbage.
19. I hate snow
20. People who say ignorant things piss me off.
21. I piss people off all the time and dont realize it.
22. I think my wife is hot.
23. I like my mother in law.
24. Left school at 15 never took an algebra class, studied for three days and came 1 point away from testing out of algebra.
25. I met my wife when I was 14 years old.  

Offline Spikeybike

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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2009, 07:52:05 PM »
these are all great !! i love it    so far yours has to be my favorite void even though i disagree with most of it  ;D

and as far as me being inspiring , i don't know about all that , but thanx  ;D
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 09:19:12 PM by spikeybike »

Offline Sam Green Racing

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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2009, 07:59:35 PM »
25.  It's great having alzheimers, saved a whole lot of typing. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Sam. ;)
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Offline Spikeybike

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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2009, 08:05:23 PM »


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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2009, 09:11:23 PM »
1-People think I'm pissed off all the time.
2- I HATE tailgaters
3- A gracefully executed wheelie is a thing of beauty.
4- My ex wife stabbed my soul with a knife
5- Looking at grandkids is proof positive that God IS.
6- Speed is intoxicating
7- Riding a CBR is the most fun you can have with your pants on.
8- Sometimes I pray before going to sleep.
9- How much more will go wrong if the big guys DO go bankrupt?
10- Sex is good
11-The 64 GTO was THE first american muscle car. Period.
12- Middle age makes me think about things that aren't funny.
13- Amy makes all that is wrong, right.
14- I want to ride the Ortega Highway to Elsinore.
15- Should have met a few bullies in the schoolyard, and settled it.
16- I try not to be judgemental and fail miserabley.
17- Arrogant cops suck
18- Wish I still played hockey
19- Life really IS short.
20- I look at the Babe Thread daily
21- War sucks.
22- I don't want my grandkids to do the things I did as a teen
23- I could watch Clint Eastwood movies all day long
24- Climate change is real and needs to be addressed soon.
25- Teasing the cat is a favorite pastime, and he enjoys it.

Offline void909

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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2009, 10:23:16 PM »
Spikey always starts some cool threads! This has been very enlightening
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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2009, 07:36:39 AM »
good one sam
1 i never look back
2 if you don't like me i don't care
3 nothing in this world a good chocolate chip cookie won't fix
4 epitaph--what are you looking at, go get a life
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Offline mattcb350f

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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2009, 08:18:52 AM »
1. Born in 1982
2. Have two older brothers and one younger one
3. Grew up on a farm, and still work there
4. I started flying when I was 13
5. I’m good at it
6. I don’t drink...anymore
7. I recently moved in with my longtime girlfriend
8. I enjoy helping others, especially with things I know well
9. I can play the drums
10. I have recently become very interested in the world of science, more specifically Einstein’s theories and the like
11. I spend way too much time on the net
12. I hated high school, and barely passed.
13. I rocked at college, which I attribute to having worked three years before attending, giving me a better perspective on things and a stronger work ethic
14. I an uncle, and want my own kid soon
15. I’m running out of steam here at 15, and I’m starting to think that I’m rather boring compared to the rest of you guys
16. I really enjoy motorcycling after only one year of riding
17. I’m proud of the fact that I restored the bike I ride....during a tough college semester
18. My hands are very dry at the moment
19. I’ve had a dog named Boris for 2 years, who was found in the woods on the James Bay coast
20. I now love dogs
21. Dogs like me for some reason
22. I often walk outside and look up when I hear a plane flying over
23. I’m saddened by the fact that I didn’t get to know my grandparents better before they died; being older now I would appreciate their knowledge and advice
24. I’m almost done this list.
25. I have to pee
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Offline rbmgf7

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Re: 25 random things
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2009, 08:49:54 AM »
1. I'm half Korean
2. I'm 5'4" and about 145 lbs. so yes, I'm kind of a short, small guy
3. I enjoy cooking
4. Only child who was raised by a single parent
5. I don't drink (not against it, it's just not my thing. Plus I can't handle much: asian redface, lol)
6. I always said I'd never ride a motorcycle. Now I own 3 and have withdrawals if I don't ride
7. Love hunting, especially bow. I'm currently bow-less due to needing some cash. Started waterfowl a couple years ago and it was a blast.
8. I hate when people try to help me without me asking first or my permission (I think it's linked to #2)
9. Enjoy learning something new each day but hate getting mocked because I didn't know in the first place
10. Regret going to college and getting a degree in mechanical engineering (all it did was put me in debt)
11. Single and not seeing anyone
12. Try to be enviromentally conscience. call me a tree hugger and i'll punch you in the face
13. Love my country (both USA and Korea) and willing to serve it in a heartbeat
14. Enjoy a good run and workout
15. Love the outdoors and hope to retire on a small, remote area in the wilderness near a river to fish and wooded area to hunt
16. Try to keep my mouth shut and mind open as much as possible
17. Best times were in college but not school work. working on the baja car design team (learned a lot about cars, bikes, machining, etc. and eventually led me into my first bike purchase: a '77 KZ400 I cafe'd)
18. Hate heights when fixed to the ground but love it when i'm in a plane or helicopter
19. Procrastinator but trying to fix it
20. Work better alone
21. Try to be a helper
22. HATE it when people refer to me as "son, kid, boy, young man, etc." (again, i think linked to #2)
23. Hope to get married down the road and father a child or two
24. Hate touchy, feely moments and situations
25. Love my dad although he doesn't think so because of #24