1. Born in June XX, 1948, the day nothing else important happened.
2. Spent 1096 days, 8 hours, and 23 minutes in the army. Loved every minute of it. NOT!!!
3. Got a Cushman scooter in March 1962. Still have the scars.
4. One older sister and four older brothers (who taught me at an early age NOT to "Hold this wire for me").

5. Three ex-wives. Now you know who "won" that survey last year.

6. Five children. (Three of them have the "M" endorsement on their drivers license.)
7. Eight grandchildren. (Two of them have the "M" endorsement on their drivers license.)
8. Had many different jobs in my life. Trained Killer,

Welder, Mechanic, Parts Man, Salesman, Computer Analyst, Telecommunications Engineer. Hey, at least they kept getting better.
9. Have lived mostly in Oklahoma
10. I lived on a sailboat in Florida for about a year.
11. Favorite food: Hamburgers.
12. Favorite fruit: blueberries and pears.
13. Owned motorcycles from 98cc up to 1050cc. I never met a motorcycle I didn't like.
14. Most profound event in my life: Having a 26 year-old daughter die 4 years ago. I aged 10 years in one month.
15. Happiest moment in my life: When it occurred to me that the people I used to work with were having their regular Monday morning meeting and I was zipping across a sparkling bay in an inflatable dinghy as a new retiree.

16. Movies I like leave me happier than I was before I watched them.
17. 13 years ago I went to Nicaragua on a humanitarian mission.
18. Sometimes I like working on motorcycles more than riding them.
19. I've ridden 1069 miles in 24 hours on a Honda CL350.
20. Motorcycling goals: to get the herd thinned by 50% before May.
21. Grade school summers were the happiest times of my life.
22. One significant motorcycle accident. I still occasionally like to wheelie. I must be a slow learner.

23. I am not a big fan of SUV driving, cell-phone talking, soccer moms.
24. I'm not looking forward to this summer. I'm afraid it is going to be really ugly. Thanks a lot bankers/politicians.

25. I do not wish to be younger than I am.