BIKE, that is exactly where my hoist came from. I just made up the "sky hook" term because it aptly describes how it works for me.
eldar, I don't connect to the handlebars out on the ends. I hook as close to the triple tree as I can get. If the bars can't handle that much stress, I might want to get some better bars. The other attachment locations depend on what bike, and what type of work I am doing. I have 4 (count 'em, ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR) attachment points. That distributes the weight so that nothing has over 150 pounds on it. In actual use, I rarely pick up the entire bike (but, it has held my CBX without a problem). Right now, I have just the rear of a bike on it, for rear-wheel work. YMMV, but it works really well for me.