Author Topic: carb chokes?  (Read 1436 times)

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carb chokes?
« on: January 21, 2009, 02:04:03 AM »
Hello All.  I'm new to the forum and to multi carbs.  My other bikes have their single carb chokes controlled by a lever on the handlebars or are fuel injected, and there-in lies my problem.  I have been loaned a CB400F by a friend and it's not running at all well.  (I think that is why he loaned it to me)  It runs rich, plugs very sooty.  I have the carbs on the bench and apart from the main jet O seals that need renewing everything is clean and OK.  But the thing I can't get my head around is the choke system.  They are spring assisted to the closed position.  Put the choke lever to open and as soon as you leave go they spring to close.  Am I missing something?  The Haynes manual I have is no help.  Any sugestions will be gratefully received.  Lol.  (not laughing out loud, it's short for my Sunday name, Lawrence)