3 valves per cyl, two intake one Ex.
Head can be removed in frame which has through holes to allow the bolts to be torqued or loosened.
Dual balancers with a long chain resting on crank sprocket. Early motors needed clutch cover removed to service/adjust chain service because adjustment was off from factory and it didn't have adjuster plug (the later ones needed adjuster re-set on first service)
I liked the carbs because they didn't have diaphragms, the pistons can get corroded though and stick if they don't get used.
Metal polish fixes them pretty easy.
Very few problems with them, 1979/80 had generator problem where low speed trigger failed so bike wouldn't start.
Biggest problem was exhaust balancer/silencer which rotted out real quick (usually about 18months) a piece of 3"x1.5" steel box section and some exhaust tubing repairs that pretty quick and gives a little more noise.
Rectifier/regulator is awesome, fitted them to just about any bike with a permanent magnet alternator, seen 24amps @14volts running through one without a problem ( at least for a while
