haven't read all the replies so I'm sure someone else mentioned this, but you can't look too sexy if you're retarded or missing part of your face.
I used to be stupid and just find old ones at the thrift store and paint em.
thing is I actually ride my bikes. every day in traffic. and lanesplitting full time. just a matter of time before it happens so I want to be prepared.
I decided black full face with dark tint visor actually looks a lot cooler than anything else anyways.
half ass helmets indicate that motorcycling is not a priority for the person wearing them, to me. I figure, 'oh he rides an hour a week so he's not worried about it'. at some point practicality has to make your decision for you. or you become a vegetable and don't have to worry yourself with decisions anymore.
that being said my best riding buddy wears a stupid pudding bowl. to each his own.
and of course I am quite good looking, so I have a reason to protect my face. can't say the same for my friend.