Hey guys, I first joined this site last year when I bought a 750 and a 550...I dolled up the 750 and sold her (and have the thread to prove it), rode my 550 from VA to upstate NY on mothers day last year (dont have the thread, just the memories of the cold to prove that one), and then sold the 550 and went to new zealand for a while, where I had no access to a SOHC, and sort of fell off the forums.
well, I am going back to new zealand again this year, but I miss riding a motorcycle, and even though its dead of winter here, Im gonna get a cheap 500/550/750 and fix her up and maybe sell her, maybe keep for if I come back (my biggest regret was upon coming home to america, not having a motorcycle to ride around in the nice weather).
So I just wanted to drop back in and say hi, because im going to be here alot, getting more help and great advice from the best motorcycle site on the net! whoo hoo!
so if anyone here is from upstate NY and has some extra parts/needs some helping wrenching (only on honda sohcs, thank you very much

)/likes sohc4s in general, gimme a shout. Ill be in the states until at least august.