You know I shouldn't pop off since I'm retired, but I to worked all my life for union, non union, self employed, in the military and when I got out, I thought finally I'll get to work for some one that can do it right, which shows you what an idealistic young fool I was, most of what I saw was groups of people lurching from disaster to dissolution for a variety of reasons ( I, We've arrived now, no sweat any more, to why listen to new ideas they can't possibly have any thing of value to say they are not management ) and the military began to look good in retrospect, I think if you have a good leader or leadership group and they communicate to the workers effectively and the workers have a clue whats expected of them you'll have a world beater company, unit whatever whether it's unionized non unionized, military, civilian or your own business, it boils down to leadership and I mean real leadership not the crap they spout to day, I going to ramble on when I first joined my sqdn our CO was such that he knew everyone in the outfit and strengths weaknesses whether personally or through his senior NCO's and when something was required of us he would explain it so that everyone knew and when we went the extra mile he would thank us with a perk of some sort, if we screwed up he would explain where we had screwed up and how were we going to fix it as a group or individually. So consistently every one in the squadron felt they were in the loop and their efforts counted to point where when someone was screwing up like as not one of their mates would take hand rather than higher authority.When you talked to the man you got the feeling that because you were part of the squadron you counted whether you were a lowly AC1 or a Squadron Leader, anyhow looking back on those times I began to realize what a well run group could be like, productive, together, and on the leading edge and it boiled down to leadership (when he left the squadron began to go downhill). So leadership, leadership, leadership, whether it's for profit or not and what has been lacking in any of the big companies company is that, they don't don't know their people, their markets and they are more interested in their own bottom line. Enough raving.
Bill the demon