There was a Chinese guy and a Jew sitting in a bar drinking. The Jew leans over and punches the Chinese guy in arm. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" exclaims the Chinese guy. The Jew says "That was for Pearl Harbor!". The Chinese guy rebuttles with "That was the Japanese you dick!". The Jew then says "Japanese, Chinese, what ever their all the same!". The Chinese guy is mad so he takes another drink then gets an idea. So he leans over and slugs the Jew in the arm. The Jew screams at him "Ow! What's the big idea? What'd I do?". The Chinese guy says "That's for the Titanic!!". The Jew looks at him with a confused look on his face and says "Dude the Titanic was sunk by a big chunk of ice....". The Chinese man looks at him, shrugs and says "Iceberg, Goldberg, what's the difference?!"