it's been said multiple times, but meditation is good, once you get it down. it takes practice, but with insomnia there is plenty of it. there are any number of meditation processes (i guess thats what you might call them) but trying a number of them helps finding one that works. me, i think about the color black. also, i don't fight the "committee". acknowledge the thought for what it is. its like opening the front door and letting it run through and out the back door. if you stand with your shoulder against the door you focus on not letting the thoughts in, and not whatever it is you want to be focusing on. it was sort of mentioned earlier, but writing helps a lot of people i know. it gets the committee out of your head and onto paper. it takes the power away. and, when i can see it, i don't have to listen to it. i also pray. not in the "please God let me fall asleep" sort of way. it is sort of like meditation. i thank him for everyone and everything i have in my life to day. i focus on gratitude, for my sobriety and the knowledge of his will for me. also, if there are people i have resentments toward, i pray for them. ya, sounds crazy, but it works for me and others i know. i pray for them till i am no longer resentful (over the course of many nights. it usually doesn't just go away). getting rid of resentments is a huge stress reliever. ultimately, i end up watching TV, reading, surfing the net and what not. rarely i take a few PM type pain relievers. usually i pay for it the next day though with the fog it leaves me in.
slep well all.