What does age have to do with owning a motorcycle?My bike was brand new the year I (shoulda) graduated from high school even though I didn't get it till 2000. Some people here have owned their bikes for the long run......others have had them handed down and don't know jack sh!t about them.If these are the bikes you wanna rock....then by all means ...ROCK THEM!!!!....don't matter if you have Harleys and crotch rockets sitting right next to them in the garage!!!
As far as the age thing.......Yeah!!!!....I see a lot of "KIDS" joining up lately....SO WHAT?

?......( just got a CORNHOLIO thought......."Are you threatening me?") HEhe!!!!
You "KIDS" that are just getting into these "OLD TIMER BIKES" enjoy them as much as we older "KIDS" do.........BREEZE OUT!!!!!!