Possible, hard to say. I have never tried to redline like that as I have never replaced a gasket in the bikes 32 years. But I would be pretty sure it would do the same in third.
As for the yawning chasm, well ever model ran has to end doesnt it. Name one model that has not ended? Honda obviously could not keep making an sohc forever not when everyone else was doing duals. So I think that theory is empty air.

Besides, bobby has it right. If you want to build the best sohc motor you can, you use the k8 head as it is the best of the years, probably extends to the whole engine other than the A's hi-vo primary. Besides that, the different years present 2 different eras in bike design. 69-76, quaint older styles. 77/78 are more modern and clearly the style was good as the early 80s followed the same lines with the basic style staying till the sabre came out in 84. I suppose the magna was also different but it kinda went along chopper lines a little.
Now before mohan tries to say the 77/78 were diluted in looks, remember, the 350,400,500,550, and 750 styles between 69-76 had a lot of the same looks too.
Bottom line is us 77/78 owners like our rides just as much and will defend them just as much. We are just a smaller group since our style was made for 2 years as opposed to 7. What owners of the 69-76 seem to forget is the engines look the same, as well as a number of other parts.
I guess I just wonder why so many think the later years were slower when it just is not true. I guess old myths based upon looks die very hard. A symptom of closed minds perhaps?