I agree 20 V might damage the rotor. I have a hard time believing the battery could be overcharged (and survive) to 20V. The scenario makes more sense if the battery boiled out and became open circuit. Then a failed regulator (fused to it's input, rather than open circuit) could cause the scenario described, I suppose. But, normally the battery will buffer overcharge for quite some time. It might also be that the battery failure cause the regulator to fail, etc.
But, damn, that's a lot to go wrong all at once. What are the odds?
It IS important to check the electrolyte levels periodically.

Anyway, it just seems more likely that motor heat, errant oil, and centrifugal force are more likely to fatigue the winding insulation and cause it to short out. But, what do I know, I've rarely ever seen a Cb650, let alone worked on one.
Ride safe.