All off you blokes seem to fairly handy and machine up your own bits and pieces,I am looking at getting a small lathe just to do some basic stuff( and i mean very basic
).I dont have a clue about lathes but im sure i can learn.Would one of these do the basics like alloy washers,and alloy spacers etc.
Seem cheap enough at $600 bucks.
is it new, and can you "test" it out before buying it?
At least to see if it powers up and rotates the chuck, and can engage(and more importantly dis-engage) the feeds, of geared headstock, try out all speeds.
One or more gears may have a "thunk" to them when running showing damage from sudden stopping of the chuck under power("crashing" of the machine)
Read safety use of things around lathes...!!!!!!!!!
ANYTHING that can, will eventually wrap around something in the lathe and pull you/it in.
No rings, necklaces, tie back long hair, short sleeves, NO GLOVES while part is spinning!!
Have fun! It can be very addictive being able to make your own parts.
I think I almost make new projects just to be able to make a custom widget or two at times.