Don't beat yourself up too much Mark, if you believe in the Hindu theory of Karma, you're probably just being punished in this lifetime for being a real turd in a previous incarnation, ha ha! Supposedly when you're reincarnated all your previous memories are wiped, but there's often reported cases of people remembering things that they couldn't possibly remember, like ancient languages, intimate knowledge of people or places, etc etc.
What you need to do to work out why God hates you so is to try to concentrate on your previous incarnation through meditation, and if you can remember perhaps being a short Austrian guy in his late 40's with a toothbrush moustache and a crap hairstyle dancing in Paris circa about 1940, or a Roman soldier nailing some bloke called Jesus on to a cross, or even a French git telling his girlfriend "Not tonight, Josephine", you might get a few clues as to why your mate in Germany has got the gold mine, and you've got the shaft! Cheers, "Swami" Terry.