I was talking to my cousin today (my Dad's 1st cousin) and letting him know how my Dad was doing and all. We kinda got off on the family history and such. He informed me that the building that the Motorcycle Shop (my Granddad's) and the Garage (my Uncle's, in the rear of the same building) was torn down in 1999 (just a bit short of being 100yrs old)!
I knew that building had been there quite a long time, but didn't know Just HOW long til now. That building started out as a Service Station/Garage & Blacksmith shop, along with a small lumber mill in the rear. My Great Granddad ran things and when he went blind, my Granddad and my Uncle had to quit school and support the family. As time went on, my Granddad started working on motorcycles, finally enclosed the front of the building and opened up his Motorcycle Shop in 1932. If there would have been any way for me to do so (I really wanted to keep the Shop in the family), when my Granddad died in Dec 1968, I would have tried to carry on the business and it would have been 77 years old this year (and the building, if it would have still been in it, would have been about 109 yrs old by now!
Man, that's just hard to imagine.
If only, but I was in the Air Force in 68' and had until Aug 70' before I was to get out.
The old "Hindsight and Foresight"