i've been a huge fan of the Ramones since my very early teens, i saw the band perform at Toads Place in New Haven and the Agoura Ball Room in West Hartford, but until yesterday i'd never heard of this movie, i happened to be looking for the great rock and roll swindle on pirate bay and ran across this movie so i downloaded it. the only other time i could say i was blown away by a movie was The Worlds Fastest Indian. tonight i was blown away again, 100 times over. i learned stuff about the Ramones' career, about the band members (Joey Ramone had a terrible case of OCD) this movie made me want to go out and join a band! if youve ever listened to the ramones and maybe liked them, you need to get a copy of this movie.
i'm so wound up from this film that now at 2:27 am i cant even sleep.