Bike week? Keep an eye out for My dad and sisters motorcycle Jewlery and leather, they got some cool stuff sterling silver and stainless jewelry, not as cool as my tungsten wedding ring

but they hit all the bike shows they can.
Not to hijack more than i already did so, did you all read the whole article? They said that the testing from the american petroleum instute tests would not take long so we could see more of this sooner than we think, then we can find out more like wet clutch issues like what oldschool stated. What additives too are going to be interesting like what the viscosity does as that oil is heated, like with cooking oil we all can see it thin out pretty good after its heated to proper temp.
This brings up another thing before I forget, in another oil thread peole talked about too hot and proper oil temp. Well my boss happens to be an old race car guy, lived all over the US and he was telling that they used to preheat the oil to 190-210f deg. for the engines before racing. One time he said they were really busy and forgot to turn the heater off and the oil was at almost 300 degrees, he freaked out told the head mechanic and the mechanic shrugged his shoulders and said it wasn't that big a deal that there is much more to oil than we think.
This came from nascar engine builders too , and would you believe how short the drivers really are? They are like race horse jockeys.