OK, maybe I don't ride my old beauty as often as I should. I try to get it out every weekend, but I don't like to ride in rush hour traffic so I sits during the week except for the occasional evening ride. And most of my riding this summer has been riding my old dirt bikes. My son is finishing high school this year and next year he'll be going away to college. He wanted to ride dirt bikes, so I fixed up a vintage Suzuki ('74 TS250) and a vintage Yamaha ('69 DT1) and we trail ride on those a lot. I offered to let him ride my 750, but he wasn't particularly interested. "I only like the ones that fly," he said. He's 17. In a way, I can appreciate his point. Anyway, that has taken most of my riding time this summer. Those of you with kids will understand, Those of you without kids are probably too busy with your big houses, fancy cars and exotic vacations to care.
But I digress. When I finished resurrecting my '75 CK750 K last winter it ran beautifully. It still does, to a point. Lately when I ride it, after about 20 or 30 miles it starts running sort of rough. Not really missing or anything, but, well, I suspect you know what I mean. I can gun it and there's power and it doesn't die or misfire or pop or anything radical, but it just feels kinda, well, rough.
It always starts very easily and for the first half hour or so it purrs very well. It idles well when I stop and I don't have trouble restrating it when I turn it off. I checked the plugs and I'm running a bit rich. Not black-soot rich, just a medium to dark brown rich. I have good oil pressure and the bike doesn't seem to be running particularly hot. It just sorta feels like it's rumbling. I don't like my baby to run rough. I like it when she purrs.
Any suggections, anyone? Or have I just spent so much time riding screaming two-stroke, extreme high torque machines so that my mind is making me think that the growl of a four stroke is unnatural....