Tech Forums > SOHC/4 Bikes

Seized Engine help

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Hi, I recently bought a 1976 CB550 with a seized engine. The motorcycle has not been touched since around 1988. On getting the bike home I took off the points cover and put a 23mm wrench to the nut used to turn the engine in order to time the engine. I thought this may be able to tell me if she was completly seized or just a bit stiff. To my horror I broke two tiny tabs and the long bolt that screws inside the engine. I guess I can use an 'easy out' to get the rest of this bolt out, but where can I get replacement parts??. Have I done more damage than I think??  I hope someone can help me, thank you, Stephen

You can get a nos advance unit from if you remove the lh cover (generator) there is a bolt there you can try but i would remove the spark plugs and fill the bores with diesel first to try and break any rust seal. Dave has most parts so it would be best to wait till you know everything you need before ordering

SteveD CB500F:
Go with Bryan.
If it's sat that long, another couple of days won't matter.
Put diesel down the plug holes and let it soak for a while.  Then post back if it still won't move (there are other ways described elsewhere on this site for freeing up a siezed engine.)

I can't find the 'other ways to free up a seized engine on this site', can you tell me where to look? thank you, Stephen.

hey i just had a seized engine on a 73 cb750 that had been sitting for at least 10 years. i tryed diesel down the cylinder and let it sit for a week but it did not work so i got a DH40 (a electris cement breaker) and addapted a special bit and used that to drive the picton out. it was the only thing that worked. So use that as a last ditch effert. U will probely have to replace a picton and bore out the cylinder. so good luck


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