Well I seem to have fixed the problem. Here is my complex solution
-Buy new sparkplugs
-Take old plugs out and kick the engine over to try and get residual fuel out
-Put in new plugs and start kicking (I tried kicking initially with choke-off, no throttle... then I tried full throttle)
-No affect with new plugs, still didn't want to fire
-At the same time I purchased new plugs I purchased starter-fluid.
-Sprayed said starter fluid directly into the carbs (no airbox and no filters, gotta rectify this I know)
-Kicked bike... bike fired but died, cold engine
-Applied more starter fluid and choke
-kicked bike and got her running... drove it around for a while
Now I just don't understand what the deal is. I hope I don't have to use starter fluid everytime. Is the spark not good enough off the plugs to ignite the gas in the cylinders or what? And if the spark is not good enough what does that mean? Do I need to replace the coils or something?
On a separate note - Anyone have any idea what the idle should be on this thing, I dialed it into about 1500... seems a little high but I didn't want it to #$%* out on me and it IS a 4 cylinder.