Author Topic: Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K  (Read 2319 times)

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Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K
« on: October 10, 2005, 01:26:49 PM »
Ok, so from all the research I have done, I am guessing this is a slow jet problem.  Unfortunately the diagrams I have found are not great, but give the general idea.  So my goal tonight is to remove and soak the slow jets, any recommendations?  I would like to try removing them without removing the carbs  ??? Am I asking for trouble?  My understanding is these jets should just pull out, am I correct?  I have been searching the archives and these are the questions I still have, hopefully I am not repeating too much.  Thanks so much!!


Offline TwoTired

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Re: Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2005, 02:07:01 PM »
Ok, so from all the research I have done, I am guessing this is a slow jet problem.  Unfortunately the diagrams I have found are not great, but give the general idea.  So my goal tonight is to remove and soak the slow jets, any recommendations?  I would like to try removing them without removing the carbs  ??? Am I asking for trouble?  My understanding is these jets should just pull out, am I correct? 

A reasonable diagnosis.

The slow jets must come straight out.  When they let go, they and possibly your hand will attempt to merge with the transmission gears.  The engine case will prevent that.  But, your hand might bleed.  Blood is caustic to metal and other materials

After cleaning, the jets must be tapped back into place going straight in.  I hope you are proficient at working in cramped spaces with contorted limbs.  Accuracy counts.  Banging on floats and other sensitive internal bits of carbs with a hammer may bring a sailor's dialect to your lips.  Possibly even remorse to your pysche.

I expect it may be possible to clean the slow jets with the carbs in place.  But, how will you verify that all four exits to the slow system are clear?  The air jet is at the mouth of the carb.  And the end feed is in the carb throat. how will you know these are clear?  Do you feel lucky?  Are you due for a change in luck?
Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2005, 03:22:14 PM »
The hard way is the easiest way in the long-run.

Unfortunately, that's something most people have to learn the hard way. ??? ;D


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Re: Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2005, 04:10:40 PM »
Ok, so after looking at it for 2 minutres I decided to pull the bank, only 20 minutes this time, much better than the 2 hours on Saturday!!  Maybe I am becoming a pro! (ha, ya right).  So anyways, how should I pull the slow jet out, it is reasonably stuck, and I am afraid of damaging it.  THoughts?h
Thanks again!!

Offline TwoTired

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Re: Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2005, 06:34:04 PM »
Okay, I had never yanked the slows out of the 77-78 cb550 carbs, so I thought I'd give it a try on the rat bank spares I have.
Carbs out, upside down on bench float bowls removed.  I didn't like the access I had so I carefully tapped out the float pins and removed the floats.
I used an eight inch waterpump pliers, fairly new, with nice sharp fine teeth in the jaws.  Then grabbed on to the slow jet with enough gap underneath to insert the largest screwdriver I have (it's about a foot and half long).  Used the screwdriver as a lever to pry the plier jaw straight up.  No twisting!  Since I didn't have anyone to hold down the carb bank, I used inertia and a quick snap on the lever end and the jet popped straight off.  Yes, it left some small plier tooth marks on the outside of the slow jet.  But, I can't imagine that will effect how it functions when reinstalled.  It just bothers me that the tool marks will tell some future mech that they've been worked on.  Oh well, I can live with that, I suppose.  ::)
Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2005, 05:20:35 AM »
brock,have you been to the bob wessner school on pulling carbs?sounds like you have. :D
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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2005, 05:37:57 AM »
I decided to pull the bank, only 20 minutes this time, much better than the 2 hours on Saturday!!

Sorry to say, but you may even get opportunities to improve on your 20 minutes.  ;) ;D
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Re: Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2005, 06:02:48 AM »
true,so true
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Re: Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2005, 06:53:40 AM »
I decided to pull the bank, only 20 minutes this time, much better than the 2 hours on Saturday!!

Sorry to say, but you may even get opportunities to improve on your 20 minutes.  ;) ;D

I was hoping not to make a hobby of it  ;D

Anyway got the slow Jets out, thanks for the advice with pliers and screwdriver, worked great!  They should be getting pretty good after a 24 hour carb cleaner soak, but is there anything else I should do to them?  I was planning on spraying through them to make sure they were clear.  Also, for getting them back in am I going to hurt them by lightly tapping them in with a hammer?  I would think I would, but not sure how else to do it.  I was also looking for markings to see how far to push them back in, but did not notice any.

Thanks so much, you guys (and gals) rock!

Offline dusterdude

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Re: Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2005, 07:00:40 AM »
oh i wouldnt call it a hobby,it will soon turn into a profession
1972 k1 750
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Re: Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2005, 06:02:41 AM »
Any recommendations for putting the slow jets back in?  I am afraid I will ruin it by doing it wrong.


Offline TwoTired

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Re: Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2005, 09:32:19 AM »
In my carbs, the stains left a mark on the slow jets where I could see how deep they were pressed in.

I returned the jets to their respective holes, placed the flat of the big honkin' screwdriver over the end and tapped them back into the carbs, with the pliers as a hammer on the screwdriver shaft, 'til the stain marks matched.  Then I grabbed onto the slow jet with the pliers and picked up the entire carb bank a little bit to get confidence they would stay in thereafter.  I  reason they won't fallout later with that little test.

Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: Will not idle below 2400RPM - 78 CB550K
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2005, 01:07:01 PM »
In my carbs, the stains left a mark on the slow jets where I could see how deep they were pressed in.

I returned the jets to their respective holes, placed the flat of the big honkin' screwdriver over the end and tapped them back into the carbs, with the pliers as a hammer on the screwdriver shaft, 'til the stain marks matched.  Then I grabbed onto the slow jet with the pliers and picked up the entire carb bank a little bit to get confidence they would stay in thereafter.  I  reason they won't fallout later with that little test.


Sounds good to me.  I will give it a try tongiht assuming I don't go to the Wild Hockey Game!