Built a simple air coupler to attache to a flared brake line to force out a stuck caliper piston using a standard quick release air fitting, a pipe nipple and a small chunk of plastic tubing.
Screw the pipe nipple into the quick release. Use Teflon tape to ensure an air tight fit. Mount the assembly in your drill press and ream the inside dimension suitable for tapping. Tap with a 10x1.25 metric tap. Cut a few centimeters of plastic tubing and pound it into the assembly. NOTE: this tubing is larger then your typical aquarium air hose, something close to 10mm OD. Drive the tubing in about a half inch. The tubing is there to seal with the flair.
If you aren't using a flair fitting, a straight 10x1.25 OD chunk of pipe could be used instead.
Here are some pictures:

- fire up your air compressor to 100 PSI
- Connect the Piston Popper to your brake line
- wrap your caliper in some rags
- put the rag ball into a plastic bag (you don't want brake fluid flying about!)
- Set you air regulator to say 60 PSI and connect an air hose to the quick connect.
- A few gentle raps with a hammer against the piston/pad can help to get things moving.
- for stubborn pistons, dial up the pressure, but be extra careful! The higher the pressure the greater the danger!