Author Topic: poormans Honda/indian4 hybrid  (Read 1337 times)

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Offline wannaby

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poormans Honda/indian4 hybrid
« on: May 04, 2010, 09:26:31 PM »
Hello guys ...short introduction had a cb 750 and a cbx back in the 70,s rode the pants off both dumped the cbx when a dog ran in front of me ...fixed smashed headlight ,insterment cluster and sold it ...havent ridden inlines since .....just thumpers anyways thats it ....had to jump in and put my 2 cents in on this topic as I have started a topic on another fourum and I invite you to add your thoughts.My opinion on Cooks build is I love the engineering on the engine, drivetrain but would prefer the chassis to be more traditional old school which is what I am trying to figger out on the other fourum.We have got a good flow of ideas about motors diffent drivtrain ideas and would welcome your thoughts to possibly get a cheap version of this inline four idea off the ground for the average guy that is into this concept.So come on over and lets get some ideas flowing I look forward to your participation.Den