The wreck that put my shoulder through a few months of therapy was due slightly to having my brother on the back on a bike. To be fair, I only had the bike for a couple of weeks and was going a little hot into a corner but my brother tried to lean the bike for me early, I corrected for his lean then he sat straight up as we entered the turn. Controlled the drop into the ditch then he JUMPED OFF going between 45 and 50, kicking the back end out from under me. Once the rear got pushed the front hit the dirt, threw me, and my brother (still in the air at this point) came down on my should as I rolled down the road. He didn't have leather on so it was good he didn't hit the chip and tar road. I was out for a few seconds but walked away with only soft tissue damage and a reminder of why I had a rule about passengers (none unless I taught them how to ride in a parking lot first).