Author Topic: PayPal Problem. The Unstoppable ECheck  (Read 4755 times)

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PayPal Problem. The Unstoppable ECheck
« on: February 24, 2009, 07:40:31 PM »
I bought a new to me vintage leather jacket on ebay the other day.
The seller did not accept my usual method of payment which is my debit card which is linked to my savings and checking  (totally my mistake no debit cards)
So I had to use an echeck.
Problem is that my paypal is linked to a savings account that I don't ever use and there were no
funds in it for an echeck.(another oversight on my behalf)
So the echeck failed and there was an overdraft fee. Ok.
I contact paypal and they tell me that I can't cancel the echeck and so I need to have the seller cancel the echeck.
I contact the seller and he cancels the echeck. Done.
I pay him using a funded method and have already received my jacket.(a little disappointed with how it fits)
So I notice that today there is another overdraft fee for that same echeck that the seller canceled.
While I am at work today my wife calls the bank and they tell her that THEY can't cancel the echeck and that she
will have to contact PayPal(already done)
In the meantime they will be trying to process the echeck once more.
So to avoid another overdraft my wife adds the correct funds to the account this echeck is linked to.
So when this clears the seller is going to get this money.
The guy is cool and I am sure he will return the money but I would like to avoid the trouble of having him have to do that.
I want to cancel this echeck and neither PayPal nor my bank will do a damn thing to stop the evil echeck. It can't possibly be unstoppable so can anyone explain why no one wants to touch it. Does anyone know what I can do to stop it and why I would incur a second overdraft when the seller had canceled the payment. I must be missing something here. what's up?

Offline mark

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Re: PayPal Problem. The Unstoppable ECheck
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2009, 07:51:57 PM »
paypal works in mysterious ways.


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F you mark...... F you.

Offline 547

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Re: PayPal Problem. The Unstoppable ECheck
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2009, 07:58:27 PM »
i use it all the time and have for lots of years, never a problem. don't know what the issue is this time

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Re: PayPal Problem. The Unstoppable ECheck
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2009, 09:51:58 PM »
I just sent money to a member to pay for a bike for me.

when checking my emails I find it has gone as an eCheque and will take 7 to 9 days to clear.

I've paid for things before and the money comes off my debit card, how did I manage to send a cheque that will hold up the deal.

Sam. ;)
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Re: PayPal Problem. The Unstoppable ECheck
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2009, 11:23:55 PM »
My Paypal got hacked several years ago and even though they know it wasn't me, they still want me to pay for it no matter what. That is over $400 I have told them that I will never pay because they know who it was or at the very least know it wasn't me. I should not be held accountable for a hacker gaining access to my account and would rather do business with money orders or Western union.
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Re: PayPal Problem. The Unstoppable ECheck
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2009, 08:02:35 AM »
I transfer money from my checking account to paypal, 4 days done, no problems ever.

Offline 547

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Re: PayPal Problem. The Unstoppable ECheck
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2009, 05:39:57 PM »
I transfer money from my checking account to paypal, 4 days done, no problems ever.
yeah me too but in this case the echeck was "already in the air" according to Paypal and the seller was wanting to relist the jacket and was growing impatient. I got it worked out tho. PayPal ended emailing me a letter for me to forward to my bank requesting that they refund our overdraft fees and it worked. It did however cost us 25.00 when they finally canceled the echeck. I guess you have to speak to 8 different people at each institution and ask for their names and for confirmation numbers in order to make them nervous enough to get them to actually do what they could have done in the first place.
I use paypal all the time(weekly at least) and have for years. this is one of the very few times that i have had a problem with them. it is all worked out now.
so in the future if anyone wants to cancel an echeck - I now know that you need to contact your bank and it will cost you 25.00 rather than the 75.00 in overdraft fees from the almost unstoppable bombardment of echeck reprocessing.

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Re: PayPal Problem. The Unstoppable ECheck
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2009, 08:59:53 PM »
PayPal is a convenient way to pay and remain kind of anonymous. But when something goes wrong, they won't help at all. I hope you get this all worked out without it costing you more on overdrafts.

I've recently had someone "charge" my PP acct for $800 for something I didn't buy. Because I had added my checking account way back to be a "verified" account, it took it all out of my checking. That's no small amount for us to be missing. I had to basically prove that I didn't buy anything to get my money back. PP had already locked my account before I knew it had happened. Still, they didn't contact me to let me know what was up. I saw I was missing the $$ when I checked out my bank account and then had to go hunting to find out where it went. They knew this person tried to hack my account a few times that weekend but I still had to prove I wasn't lying. WTF??? In the end, I got it back but because of the investigation, it took 2 weeks for them to decide who was right, and then another week for it to pass back to my checking once I did the transfer. 3 weeks down $800 made a big mess for us financially. Lots of jockying around of bills and pulling money out of savings... I took all of my accounts out of PayPal and only add my CC in when I need to buy something. At least VISA will cover my ass if someone tries to rip me off because PP sure won't do anything. Not once was I able to talk to a person from PP. Only emails and then only a generic computer response. I won't ever trust them with access to my money ever again. It was way too easy for that guy to do that to me.  >:( Never again.
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