Author Topic: What Kind of Luck do i have???  (Read 1241 times)

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Offline Dougy Dougy Dune Buggy

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What Kind of Luck do i have???
« on: February 26, 2009, 11:30:34 AM »
Well i got up early last Saturday morning and "pushed" the bike out the side garage door because the wife was sleeping and our bedroom is over the garage
and it was rebuilding the carburator so i didn't want the water heater giving me fits with was about to rain again so i'm sorry i could not get any pix of the rebuild, so i do all this and find that the fuel petcock is plugged also..easy comes the rain! so i push it back into the garage and lust over it cuz i started last week for about half a minute..i'm eager to say the least...get on craigslist and start surfing..checking stuff and i find a 1968 CL90 complete minus the motor and chain the ad says for $200 or trade for tools, welder etc. i e-mail the guy expecting it to be gone..pic didn't look too bad?!?! anyhow, about a
day later i get a response saying yeah..we can work a deal i'm looking for...long story short i got the 2nd bike (not motor or chain) but it has everything
some stuff not shown in the pic, i'm trading him a small drill press, a bench grinder/polisher, a small vice, a BB gun, a buck 110 with a case and my stilletto from Mexico, i have to meet the guy @ lunch at my house to take delivery of my 2nd CL90! maybe a 150 lifan motor going in the new bike?!?! I'll get some pix this weekend after i get it situated in the garage..oops i forgot to tell the wife about this is a pic from the craigslist ad
and a pic of the original CL90 i got

I'm going to Cafe it
ha ha

Offline Dougy Dougy Dune Buggy

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Re: What Kind of Luck do i have???
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2009, 02:47:16 PM »
Sorry...i wasn't bragging...i waited for 45 minutes and he never showed up....then i get a call a half hour later from my wife saying this guy is trying to drop off
some "JUNK" in the front of the house...ha ha MAN do i OWE my wife! She IS the best!
I'm going to Cafe it
ha ha

Offline stay youth

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Re: What Kind of Luck do i have???
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2009, 05:06:13 PM »
"i'm trading him a small drill press, a bench grinder/polisher, a small vice, a BB gun, a buck 110 with a case and my stilletto from Mexico"

I love how this deal went down. Keep us posted with pics of your little scoot.

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Offline Dougy Dougy Dune Buggy

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Re: What Kind of Luck do i have???
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2009, 09:25:07 PM »
Yo MK!
Yeah...i got it and there's some good, some bad ha ha Hey whaddaya want for..naw i know the wheels are clean, the frame and forks are nice too..tank is totally rotted like it sat under a dripping gutter THAT was funny! the fenders are fair and the seat is a cafe candidate for later, i was looking at it talking with my brother and a stripped down street legal kind of flat black mini hooligan with one of those custon
megaphone with a turn down tip..yeah, i was plannin it out. A Lifan goes for around $350-$500 and they got like 15-16 horse which would be cool...knobby tires with flat black rims would be cool, S90 bars and some aggressive tread tires...gotta figure what tank to use, CL or S90?!? No to clean the petcock and the "OTHER" bike should be good saturday if it stays dry, which it won't..strip the red one if it's raining but for sure i'll do pix
I'm going to Cafe it
ha ha

Offline DarkRider

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Re: What Kind of Luck do i have???
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2009, 07:47:05 AM »
So basicly the plan with this one is to make a fun bike powered by a pit bike engine? Sounds good!! Just wondering if you wouldnt be better off with a motor like this one?
'84 Chevy C10
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Quote from: heffay
so, you say just tie myself on with this... and steer w/ this?   ;D ;D  ok.  where's my goggles?   8)

Offline Dougy Dougy Dune Buggy

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Re: What Kind of Luck do i have???
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2009, 10:08:48 AM »
Darkrider..i bookmarked your link..Thanks, that is a nice motor! very much what i'm looking for though.
I was talking with my oldest daughter and after bench racing for a bit the discussion of a sidecar came up and she got me really thinking
about that one! so we'll see where it goes from there

I got up Early yesterday(Saturday) and started by taking off the seat of the black/silver bike and pulled the tank off and took the feul petcock off anf found that the thing was completely blocked..good thing because i was trying to start the bike with old gas. I cut the crossover pipe and drained the tank..what came out looked like a water/gas/scale/dirt whatever milkshake! so i added some fresh gas and shook it all around and washed that out too then peeked inside and it came out very clean! i expected more corrosion and wear but was pleasantly surprised so i screwed on the petcock, added new fuel lines for the crossover and carb and dropped the tank back on, bolted the seat down and added 2 gallons of gas to top off the CL, hooked up the battery and set the choke and kicked like 10 times...quit for a minute and put it in second gear and ran the entire length of my court not even a pop! man i was MAD...i didn't trun the gas on! with the gas now in the "ON" position, i pushed her again in second and whawwwwwwwww i was riding!! i rode around in my house slippers and pajama bottoms and t-shirt like 3 times feet way out hitting the horn while my girls watched me out the upstairs window shaking their heads(if it didn't work i was going back to bed for an hour wake up and try again) but Yeah..i'm excited!
It won't idle down and as soon as it fires(first kick now everytime) it races even though it will pick up RPM's when adding throttle..seems like the low speed jet is the culprit but it is adjusted 1.5 truns out on the low speed and the throttle stop seems out enough so it SHOULD idle down?!? it'll run thru the gears like normal picking up good speed but when you lrt off it wants to keep running? It won't idle down in to an easy 1200 rpm idle? i've broke the carb down step by step and will welcome ANY advice on how to tackle this..never had THIS kind of problem with the CT90's or CT70, Z50's i've owned
I'm going to Cafe it
ha ha

Offline noahspop

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Re: What Kind of Luck do i have???
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2009, 03:57:22 PM »
congrats doug on getting it running. i can picture you know jamming up and down the court in front of you house.

Offline Dougy Dougy Dune Buggy

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Re: What Kind of Luck do i have???
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2009, 06:40:36 AM » KNOW i WAS!! i was riding like a circus clown tootn the wife said when i rode away the CL90 was SUPER LOUD! it's all stock exhaust
and didn't seem loud while riding it! shoot, My Aunts Wide glide is straight shot pipes and the wife never complained about those?!? i dunno...i think the slide needle might be bent and the slide won't seat all the way down?!?!? no worries..another day..kinda rainy right now
I'm going to Cafe it
ha ha