Well i got up early last Saturday morning and "pushed" the bike out the side garage door because the wife was sleeping and our bedroom is over the garage
and it was rebuilding the carburator so i didn't want the water heater giving me fits with fumes...it was about to rain again so i'm sorry i could not get any pix of the rebuild, so i do all this and find that the fuel petcock is plugged also..easy fix..here comes the rain! so i push it back into the garage and lust over it cuz i started last week for about half a minute..i'm eager to say the least...get on craigslist and start surfing..checking stuff and i find a 1968 CL90 complete minus the motor and chain the ad says for $200 or trade for tools, welder etc. i e-mail the guy expecting it to be gone..pic didn't look too bad?!?! anyhow, about a
day later i get a response saying yeah..we can work a deal i'm looking for...long story short i got the 2nd bike (not motor or chain) but it has everything
some stuff not shown in the pic, i'm trading him a small drill press, a bench grinder/polisher, a small vice, a BB gun, a buck 110 with a case and my stilletto from Mexico, i have to meet the guy @ lunch at my house to take delivery of my 2nd CL90! maybe a 150 lifan motor going in the new bike?!?! I'll get some pix this weekend after i get it situated in the garage..oops i forgot to tell the wife about this one...here is a pic from the craigslist ad
and a pic of the original CL90 i got

