Author Topic: cb650  (Read 900 times)

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red baron

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« on: March 08, 2009, 09:53:18 AM »
Hi, I've finally got my 650 b started(carbs balanced e.t.c.) but it seems reluctant to start.tried full choke from stone cold(no joy) graduated the choke (no joy) no choke ,fires i tickle the throttle(twist grip)starts but i then need to use choke to keep it running.Slowly reduce choke as it warms,it then runs well(tick over) any ideas.It has all been set up by the bike doc(Keith) so should have no issues there.

Offline Frankenkit

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Re: cb650
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2009, 10:30:19 AM »
sounds like a typical CB650.  Mine needs some decent tickling, even in warm weather.
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Re: cb650
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2009, 12:18:17 PM »
Kit I'm having a word to Mickey about you.....that's just rude!!!  ;D
OK it's a 650 so it loves choke, pull choke right to full on and don't touch the throttle at all until it fires.
Check your choke cable is set right, sometimes they get caught up and hang...this either opens the choke butterflies or closes them too much.
If the mech (Kieth) did a good job you should be having no issues, have you got heaps of petrol in the tank, is the battery fully charged.
Does your bike have the old mechanical carbs or the newer Constant Velocity carbs?
Big difference and I've found the CV carbs more of a biartch than the old ones start wise.
I had a 650 Custom that had the same symptoms as your bike, started better with no choke (which of course is crazy) and found that the choke cable had moved from the little cable holder bracket, I backed the bracket off and the cable fell straight back where it should (butterflies now fully open and choke knob fully pushed off) then tightened the bracket and had no problems thereafter, check that wee bracket again.
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Offline Frankenkit

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Re: cb650
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2009, 01:54:34 PM »
if it starts better when no choke, it's too rich.

What I did, cuz I'm missing a little round, dished silver cover that goes over one end of the choke linkage, I took a sharpie and put a little line on it, horizontally where the butterflies were.  That way I could tell at a glance if the choke was operating properly.
"Moderation in all things - especially moderation. Too much moderation is excessive. The occasional excess is all part of living the moderate life."
2012 CBR250R "Black Betty"
1980 CB650c- (sold) Delilah
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