The engine was happy as ran well.
I have test reviews here (Dutch and German) where these later model 550’s were critisised for not offering the same driveability as the former models with old-style carbs. New owners experienced this too.
Then some owners changed things.
OK, below I pass on the information I gathered from filterspecialists. Years ago in a motorcycle magazine I read an interview with the director of a company that imports filters for motorcycles. The man concluded by the volumes he sold that the average rider took extreme care of his bike. He demonstrated this by calculating that he sold far more airfilters than necessary and he doubted whether people knew that by renewing their filters all the time ‘just to be sure and have the best’ wasted not only money but perfect filters too. It was in that interview I learned for the first time that contrary to popular belief a paper airfilter actually filters better when it gets older and is at its best, just before it clogs up.
The stock paper air filter has fibers interwoven to allow air passage, but traps tiny particles within the weavings. As it traps these particles, air passageways are blocked, leaving less "tunnels" available for air passage within the filter mesh.The fiber weavings when new, deflect the air inrush and cause it to turbulate. And, the turbulation slows the air flow.
A paper filter filters in three ways. Firstly by inertia. The air flows around a fiber. The heaviest particles cannot follow this track. Because of their inertia they collide with the filterfiber. The second way is the blocking effect. The somewhat lighter particles manage to follow the track of the airflow but hit the fiber sideways and so get blocked. The third way is by diffusion. The smallest particles
can follow the airstream but by all kinds of accidental movements (turbulence) deviate nevertheless. When they contact a fiber, they get stuck. Diffusion is quite accidental. Enough filtermaterial and many thin fibers offer the ‘accident’ a helping hand.
In a filter not ony the fibers filter but also the already trapped particles. That’s why a new filter filters not as good as an used one. Although the filter during its lifetime traps more and more dirt, pressureloss-over-the-filter hardly increases if at all. It’s not before the filter is almost full of dirt, that pressureloss increases all of a sudden. Have a look at the picture below. It’s a scheme for a typical paper air filter’s lifetime and demonstrates that there’s no loss of pressure over the filter until… the very end of the filters lifetime. Then pressure loss over the filter increases dramatically.
t1 actually is the ideal moment to replace the filter by a new one. BTW, on the horizontal axis it says
trapped particles and on the vertical axis it says
You can try to blow out the trapped particles of a paper air filter, But you just can't get all that are lodged within the fibers.
But you don’t have to. Leave the trapped particles where they are, as they help your filter filter.
Honda states that you should change it every 6 Months/6000miles. This approach is far more expensive long term than the UNI reusable filter.Well those six months we have discussed before.
Well, those six months we have discussed before. I will not go into that again now, but it is nonsense. If you want to believe that, it’s fine with me. When Honda states that the filter should be renewed
at the 6000 miles interval, it does not mean the filter has reached the end of its lifetime, it means that under average conditions Honda cannot guarantee the next
complete 6000 miles. Honda didn’t have people like us in mind, that do maintanance themselves, but the average customer that goes to a dealer and after collecting his bike doesn’t want to go there again, that is not in the next 6000 miles. Where I live, I can do easily 12000 miles with a paper airfilter and it is still good. At David Silver Spares the filter for my CB500 will cost me US$ 23,97 (€ 19,04) for genuine and US$ 15,51 (€ 12,32)for a good imitation. I can change my paper airfilter in 10 seconds and that includes opening the seat, removing the tooltray, the cover etc. Why would I mess with a foam filter that can tear, is
from new already inferior in it’s filtering performance and then have to mess with oil that makes me uncertain about how much or how little, where I can have the pleasure at acceptable cost to have the genuine thing that will give me 12000 miles of riding pleasure without ever having to think about it? I don’t know about prices in the US, but here are some current prices at David Silver Spares: CB 550K/F for a Genuine Honda US$ 24,68 or € 19,60. That's € 3,35
cheaper than Louis asks for an imitation! All genuine filters are available though Honda BTW and you'll find imitations in mailordershops like Louis.